I love going through the charity shops, looking for preloved things that I can take with me home and make my own OR make really nice presents for my friends, OR sell at the market.

I'd been looking for a teapot like this for a while, because I saw a really cute idea on Pinterest. It's not in mint condition unfortunately. The handle has broke off at some point and glued back on, but for this purpose, it's really not too important.

I've changed it into a sewing box. As you can see the pin cushion is in the lid, and all the essentials are neatly(-ish) tugged away inside the teapot. It's really clever isn't it? I know...........I'm easily impressed. Just share my enthusiasm for a couple of minutes ok?

Actually, Pinterest is the place I get most of my ideas, or get inspired from. I'm probably spending too much time there Imagining that I'll make all these things I save..................some day.................eventually.......................if I live to be 150 or so. I just realised......... I really don't have time for work!!